Monday, November 24, 2008

Family Drama.. what else?

I used to think i had a big family. I have lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Plus my mom and sister. But as I have gotten older, we all get together less. I still live very close to were i grew up, so i always try to go to family get togethers. Since my cousins have all grown up, most of them don't bother to come. Only one of my cousins showed up to my baby shower, even though i have been to all of theirs. To top it all off, my mom and sister complained so much about my son's first birthday in September. HOW COULD I have a birthday party the same weekend as labor day? This was their last chance to see their friends for the summer? Was I nuts? Needless to say, my feelings were more than hurt. So my sister told me that weekend that she was going away for a friends birthday in November the weekend after my other son's birthday. Could I please schedule the party for the weekend before? Since she asked so early, I obliged. Then she called in October, and she had a chance to go to Chicaco for the weekend before his birthday. What did I think of having the party on a Thursday night? WHAT DID I THINK? What did i think about have the party on the night that my husband works unitl 9 every week? Well, no. Sorry, you won't be able to come. Then when it came time to invite people, my mom called me. she said I wished you would have talked to me before scheduling this party. We are having a surprise birthday party for my friend's 50th that same day at the same time! Well, that didn't surprise me. So my mom and sister decided to have their own birthday party as my mom's house for him on a Wednesday night. and of course they invited all of my mom's family to their wednesday night party. Not one person from my family came to my son's real birthday party. they all went to the "cake and ice cream" at my mom's. We actually ended up having to cancel his party at the local bounce place because we didn't have enough people coming. We ended up having it at our house instead...

So now the next holiday has come and I have decided to put My family first (meaning my sons, husband, and myself) and we are going to stay home for Thanksgiving. A big part of it is because of how let down i feel. Another part of it is I am ready to start my own family traditions. I have the whole day planned out. we will all watch the parade in our room, then get up and cook. Have an early Thanksgiving dinner and then make some Christmas decorations. Then we are going to go to shop for a few thanksgiving day specials. My husband and I will put the kids to bed early and cuddle up together and watch an old Christmas movie. perfect day, right?

When my mom and sister asked if we were coming over for desert after our dinner, I told them no, we want to be alone this Thanksgiving. I didn't let on that it was because on my feeling let down. At first they just kept trying to change my mind and I told them no as nice as I could time after time. Until yesterday.. My sister was guilting me big time saying how we are all each other has and blah blah blah. I told her that when you grow up and get married, things change. So she started Crying her eyes out and said she had to go. Now she isn't returning my texts.........

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